Listen to our Podcast: After Yes

Listen to our After Yes Podcast where friends and fellow travelers to Niger, Africa
share their own stories of how saying yes to going on a LINK Mission has impacted the way
they think about the world, their faith, and the way they live their lives today.


NUTRITION_SMALLNiger is consistently ranked among the top two poorest nations in the world. Due to recurring famines and a lack of nutritional education as it relates to childhood development, it is probable that the adult Nigerien population lacks the ability to succeed educationally in comparison to populations that have received adequate nutrition during their formative years. Read more.

wellsfrontIn our work with wells and water, we have learned it’s not enough to provide the materials but we must also educate on the use and care of the wells. We are committed to regular inspection and repair of the wells in which we have partnered to ensure their mechanisms are in proper working order. These wells provide life- sustaining water to villagers who may otherwise have to walk many miles to secure potable water. Learn more.

ORPHANS-SMALLIPS InterPress Service refers to Africa as a continent of orphans. War, AIDS, malaria, cholera and famine have gradually turned Africa into a land full of orphaned children and teenagers. In Niger alone, there are 800,000 orphans.  In a nation with a population of 15,000,000, that figure is staggering. Learn more.

SCHOOLS-SMALLExperts agree education is key to unlocking potential and changing destinies. We believe Christian education to be the greatest way to make a marked difference in the future of this nation. We help schools provide an education from elementary through high school years to develop these young people into future leaders in their own communities.     Learn more. 

SEWING SCHOOL SMALLLow income and economic vulnerability are two of the three criteria for being classified as a LDC or Least Developed Country, a term given by the United Nations to denote a country which exhibits the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development.  Niger is on that list.  Learn more. 

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Go on a LINK Mission

LINK Missions exists to provide mission opportunities for people
to personally experience God through traveling to Niger with
a team and joining Him in the work He is doing there.

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KEYSTONE: {noun | key·stone | ˈkē-ˌstōn |
something on which associated things depend for support}
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